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Why Ignoring Personal Craziness Will Be Your Downfall

awareness tools Apr 17, 2022

During my first corporate speaking engagement, an attendee ran up to me because she thought my talk reinforced something her employee assistance program counselor shared with her.

She told me about the Personal Craziness Index and how much it had helped her.

After researching it I realized it explained why my stress got so bad in the first place and why I was able to recover so quickly. 

My mind was blown! The fact that I lost my keys and MetroCard several times in 2012 was a sign that I was about to burn out?!?!

Who knew!

The concept of Personal Craziness comes from the addictions world and has been adapted to overall stress. 

Burnout manifests first in the ignoring of simple routine behaviors that support wellness. When you are overwhelmed the little things start to pile up and become problems that further cause stress in your life. 

The laundry is not folded. The dishes are piling up. The mail hasn't been sorted in days. 

That's Personal Craziness.

The thing is, the larger things are getting done.

You are successfully leading your team through its biggest success even though you drove to work this morning with the gas light on and you weren't sure you were going to make it. 

You don't have the bandwidth for anything to go wrong. 

Personal Craziness is the precursor to more serious signs of burnout like headaches, panic attacks, and severe exhaustion.

This week pay attention to the way personal craziness manifests in your life and what needs to change so your life isn't so hectic.

If you enjoyed this video and want to get started right away with dealing with the stress in your life, I created a case study video that reveals 3 strategies that you can use right away.

It’s a case study video where I reveal..."3 Strategies Women Who Are Mid-career and beyond) Are Using to Overcome Burnout Without Sacrificing Their Career Success"
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